Thursday, January 3, 2013

I Want To Live To Be 112

I want to live to be 112.

It used to be 100, but then I saw a photo of a woman who had reached 112 years, surrounded by family, a large cake in front of her, and a glass of wine in hand. 

As I have often said that the rent we pay for a long life is the opportunity to experience more joy…and more sorrow.  This past year had plenty of both.  In recent months it meant that I felt able to only focus on what I must.  Other pursuits, like writing, no matter how pleasurable, simply fell to the side. 

But, here I am.  And today, for the first time in a while, I felt able to sit and share.  I hope this is the beginning of more - much more - as I regain my balance, figuratively and literally. 

I wish that for you too in this new year filled with promise.

“Life is like riding a bicycle.  To keep your balance you must keep moving.”  Albert Einstein

Keep moving dear ones. 

All good things, k

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